Tuesday 30 January 2018

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Bud Buddy, will it ever be the same?

Buying bud online for a buddy and having bud delivered through Canada Post has become more and more easy. New bud sites, such as Leaf2Go Canada, are replacing the old and outdated bud sites such as Bud Buddy. No longer do you and a buddy have to stay dry in your home on the cold East Coast; we are here to deliver your bud to your door for you and your bud buddy to effortlessly enjoy bud.

As previously stated, the website layout of bud buddy is antiquated and uses outdated functions. Leaf2Go Canada utilizes a new website layout and is ever improving. Our website is updated and tailored to our bud users needs and desires. Feel free to contact our bud experts if you want to suggest a function for easier use and bud acquisition.

Users have been using Bud Buddy less and less as new and improved websites have stated to crop up. Because of this, Bud Buddy no longer has the resources to get your bud to you quickly and efficiently. The Leaf2Go Canada team is committed to your bud needs, and will deliver your bud at the soonest possible moment.

 Tied into the previous point, as Bud Buddy receives less and less traffic, Bud Buddy’s ability to retain product reduces. Leaf2Go Canada has a wide selection of bud, as well as bud variants (such as edibles and extracts). As we are always committed to the customers’ bud needs, we are also open to suggestions from our bud clients. Don’t see your bud essentials on our menu? Contact our bud experts and we will do our best to accommodate you and your buddy’s needs.

Lastly, Leaf2Go Canada has many outlets to contact our bud experts. We provide a toll free number, email, and chat line for our bud users to contact bud experts. The Bud Buddy site has no readily available access for personnel contact. Our enthusiasm for available contact is illustrated in this article; already, I have suggested contacting our bud experts twice if your bud needs are not met. Now that’s customer service!

The new practice of sending bud by mail has been creating positive effects federally. Canada Post has been in hot water as mail revenue decreases 5% yearly; the Crown Corporation has been seeking new sources of revenue. As always, the federal government as a whole is also looking for revenue as the economy slows. One such revenue source could be the ever-expanding venture of mail order marijuana and bud mail.

The mail order marijuana and bud mail market has been valued at as much as $7 billion dollars per year. As bud becomes more legalized, this bud revenue will be taxed, therefore producing even more value for the federal government. The government has speculated this new tax revenue could be used as funding for addiction treatment and education.

The Canada Post will likely be the key distributor of mail order marijuana and bud delivery once it is completely legalized. Canada Post already has a page set up detailing how to send bud through the mail for those using it with a license. The page is quite detailed, citing how one should not label packages indicating what is inside, as well as keep said packages vacuum sealed.

Some representatives argue that a system for sending legalized bud could take years to construct. However, a mail order system for wine delivery where age is verified by the recipient is already in place. It has been suggested this system can be used for age and identity verification when sending legalized bud to a buddy.

Regardless, Canada Post should start working on a mail order bud-friendly system soon. Complete legalization of bud is just around the corner; it is only a matter of when this bud legalization will take place so that you and a buddy can start to buy weed online.

Once one is ready to buy bud online, one needs to discern which bud is best for his or her bud needs. As a larger variety of strains become available, it may become more and more difficult to discern which strains work best for your bud needs. We are here to help you choose the best bud species and bud strains for your optimal buddy experience!

First of all, bud has two main species – Sativa and its good buddy Indica. These can also be mixed to create Hybrid strains with varying Sativa and Indica content.

Sativa is known for it’s uplifting, energetic, and focused high. These bud strains are very cerebral and used for the bud user’s mind. Sativas are also mildly associated with spacey-ness and hallucinogenic effects. This bud species increases Serotonin levels in the bud users brain, which is associated with increasing bud user mood balance and decreasing depression. Help make a buddy happy! Sativa strains are best used for use during the day, as they have a higher CBD to THC ratio.

Sometimes, Sativa bud strains do not provide sufficient relief of the bud users body pain associated with some illnesses, such as cancer or HIV/AIDS. For further physical effects, your buddy should look to the Indica species.

Indica is known for it’s relaxing and calming high; it creates more of a bud user “body buzz” and is often sleep-inducing. These bud strains are very effective at reducing nausea and stress; often associated with cancer, HIV/AIDS, and glaucoma. As this species often makes bud users sleepy, with a high THC to low CBD ratio, it is best used in the evenings or just chilling with a good buddy.

For some, Hybrid bud strains are the best of both worlds. Each Hybrid bud strain has a distinct ratio of Sativa and Indica, and are labeled “Sativa-Dominant” or “Indica-Dominant.” These often lead to a calming and uplifting bud user high for you and a buddy while also maintaining the ability for the user to be focused.

Following the determination of which type of bud species is desired, optimal strains for your buddy’s needs may be determined by trial-and-error. Our descriptions page for each bud strain shows the strain’s common effects and medical uses. We suggest ordering three or four smaller amounts of different bud strains with similar effects so you can find the one best suited for you. If this route is chosen, pay attention to how you feel when trying each bud strain! Discuss with a buddy and you can even keep a log to determine which one is most favourable.

If you want or require a more personalized strategy for choosing a bud strain, please do not hesitate to contact us for a consultation. We will be your best bud buddy! We can be contacted via the websites chat, via email at sales@leaf2go.ca. We are here to create the best bud experience for you and will try our best to help you and your buddy meet your desired bud needs!

Bud users may want to delve into the “why” of bud psychoactive effects even more. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, a cannabinoid chemical compound found in bud. This particular cannabinoid will buddy up with receptors in the brain and body, eliciting a variety of physical and mental effects. There may be as many as 100 cannabinoids that interact with our endocrine system! However, THC is the most well-known because of its presence in all bud strains.

The body actually creates its own “endocannabinoids.” These are naturally producing THC-like compounds, aiding stability in the bud user body and mind. An example of such is anandamide, which is the chemical compound that produces the “runners high” euphoria when one is engaging in aerobic exercise. Ask a buddy to see if they’ve ever experienced this!

The bud user body is receptive to cannabinoids, and therefore THC, because of the receptors created and utilized for its own endocannabinoids. THC binds to our cannabinoid receptors in the brain and Central Nervous System, eliciting psychoactive effects. The type of receptor THC binds with is important; binding to the CB1 receptor allows THC to generate psychoactive properties. Cannabidol, or CBD, is another cannabinoid chemical compound without psychoactive effects, as it does not bind to the CB1 receptor. CBD is typically used for pain, inflammation, and anxiety relief, making it your best bud buddy for a number of reasons.

Common short-term psychoactive effects of THC are well documented. These include positive effects such as elation, relaxation, sedation, pain relief, energy, hunger, and laughter. Some less positive effects associated with THC are memory impairment, drowsiness, dry mouth, red eyes, and anxiety.

Long-term effects of THC intake are not as well documented as research on these effects is generally new. However, it is known that one can not overdose on THC – an overdose has never been recorded in human bud user history. We also know that with steady and ongoing use, tolerance to THC will go up. This can be remedied by taking tolerance breaks every once in a while. We suggest taking a three-day tolerance break with a buddy now and again to give the bud user the optimal physical and mental reaction to their bud use.

The medicinal effects of bud are well documented. Using bud can aid in PTSD (if someone does not have a predisposition to psychotic conditions), neuropathic and chronic pain, insomnia nausea, inflammation, arthritis, migraines, cancer, Crohn’s Disease, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Glaucoma, ADHD, Sleep Apnea, and appetite loss. And this is only what has been solidly documented so far! Ask a buddy what it does for them. As research in the medicinal effects of THC continues, we believe more and more positive medicinal effects of bud use will be found. 

With almost as many dispensaries as there are Starbucks in some provinces, it can become difficult to find the best option available for your individual needs or wants. The following is a brief description of the most important elements to look for when choosing a primary care center, or even just a dispensary worth returning to. Because each person will be looking for different specifics when it comes to their cannabis and/or shopping experience, it’s best to decide which factors are most important for you. I have them listed here in the order of my personal importance.
Quality: Let’s face it; everyone uses cannabis for its different effects. Some use it for the medicinal effects, some use it for the recreational effects, but everyone uses it to get an effect. The effect of the strain of marijuana is directly related to the quality. We all know that a strong sativa will usually keep us active and creative (and maybe a bit paranoid), but what about a weak sativa? Or a mediocre hybrid? Knowing the level of potency will allow you to seek out a strain that works best for you in relation to its potency. Many people simply cannot handle certain strains if they are too potent. I prefer strong hybrids and mediocre indicas to get the effects that work best for me. Make sure the online dispensary you choose has buds that are on par with the quality you’re seeking.
Price: Price is almost always the second most important factor, and for many, it’s the most important. Prices will vary dispensary to dispensary, and even from strain to strain. Make sure the best online dispensary Canada you choose is not overcharging for a quality of product you can get cheaper somewhere else. In some cases, dispensaries will buy from one another, and sell the same strain for cheaper than the dispensary they purchased it from. If you’re on a budget, just remember, you don’t have to buy swag, there are plenty of dispensaries that offer high quality buds at low prices, you just have to look for them. And don’t forget, potent cannabis will always last you longer than its weaker counterpart.
SelectionMany dispensaries have great prices and phenomenal quality but they just don’t have many choices. Variety is the spice of life, and often one of the most fun parts about smoking, as well as shopping at dispensaries, not to mention the fact that you’ll build up a tolerance to a strain from repeated use. Generally speaking, a dispensary with a large selection (at least 25 or more strains) is also going to give you a better chance of finding the best combination of quality and price. Many dispensaries operate on a tiered pricing system, where prices range from say, $20-$50 per eighth. In many cases, you can find a strain that is priced lower than the rest of the top shelf buds, but matches them in quality. If you have the time, check out as many of their strains as possible to get a good idea of their prices compared to their quality.
Service: The final element to a dispensary shopping experience is the customer service. The only reason it is listed last is because sometimes it’s worth it to deal with horrible service, if the quality and price are right. Oftentimes, when the buds and prices of two different shops are comparable, I return to the one with the better service. A good budtender will know all of the effects of the various strains, be customer oriented, and usually, make sure to keep the stems out of your bag. I never return to a shop that gives me shake out of a jar filled with buds. The best shops will get to know your preferences, your budget, and hopefully, your name. And sometimes, you just wanna go where everybody knows your name.

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